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Sales Paradigms was founded to increase sales by maximising the Whole Product – Customer Value Propositions (WP-CVP) through the Customer Lifecycle and across all organisational units for organisations with varied, but principally, complex B2B Sales Models.

All the programs utilise the STARPAD Methodology and its Metrics to measure, assess, predict, maximize and review the WP-CVP in all its stages and all settings.

The STARPAD Methodology

Description:  Review Current WP-CVP

Outputs:  External view of existing WP-CVP

Deliverable:  External WP-CVP Rating against standard model

Description:  Characterize the Sales Model

Outputs:  Metrics identified by desired/target Sales model

Deliverable:  Sales Model description and diagrammatic – current and desired

Description:  Score Metrics

Outputs:  Scored Metrics

Deliverable:  Outputs of each metric:  Inclusion, Current, Potential, Importance, Pain

Description:  Prioritise Metrics with Highest Sales Impact versus Ease of Implementation

Outputs:  Ranked areas to address

Deliverable:  Prioritised List of Focus Metrics

Description:  Identify Actions and Deliverables

Outputs:  Action Plan for each Ranked Metrics

Deliverable:  Action Plan to maximise WP-CVP

Description:  Aggregate Potential Improvements

Outputs:  “Before and After” Comparison of the WP-CVP

Deliverable:  Storyboard for End – to – End WP-CVP

Description:  Communicate

Outputs:  Comprehensive  communication plan of enhanced WP-CVP

Deliverable:  Communications Plan

SP1 – Trial WP-CVP “Hands Free” Assessment

This program sets the Baseline for your WP-CVP supplied by Sales Paradigms, remotely and in isolation, to represent the customer view of your business before any direct engagement.

Phases:  1

  • External WP-CVP Rating against standard model

This program is delivered Free of Charge.

SP2 – Baseline WP-CVP with Metric Breakdown and Prioritisation

This program works with your team to understand all the metrics affecting your target sales model and assesses all the metrics to reach reflect the model and builds a prioritised metric list.

Phases:  1, 2, 3, 4

  • External WP-CVP Rating against standard model
  • Sales Model description and diagrammatic – current and desired
  • Outputs of each metric: Inclusion, Current, Potential, Importance, Pain
  • Prioritised List of Focus Metrics

Determined by Target Sales Model and Organisational Scale.  From £5,000.

SP3 - One-View / Sales Enablement Playbook

Workshop program to review WP-CVP metrics as assessed by each business group to identify their differing perceptions of the WP-CVP.  The process uncovers the different models to provide a company-wide proposition that is most tightly aligned to the buying customer.

This is the equivalent of a Six Sigma program for your Whole Product – Customer Value Proposition.

This program can run to support a Sales Enablement delivery.

Phases:  1- 7

This is the equivalent of Six Sigma for your Value Proposition.

  • External WP-CVP Rating against standard model
  • Sales Model description and diagrammatic – current and desired
  • Outputs of each metric: Inclusion, Current, Potential, Importance, Pain
  • Prioritised List of Focus Metrics
  • Action Plan to maximise WP-CVP
  • Storyboard for End – to – End WP-CVP
  • Communications Plan

Determined by Target Sales Model and Organisational Scale.  From £10,000.

SP4 – Online only WP-CVP

The world has been changing to an online buying world for many years.  Covid-19 accelerates the process but has no fundamental impact on this trend.  Customers have never had as much access to information about technology to support their businesses and have never taken as much time to prepare and educate themselves.  As such, the customers engage suppliers ever later in the buying process and with a shorter attention span.  Evolve or die.  Many in the Sales domain regard this trend with fear, but managed effectively, it rids your organisation of much wasted time and effort.

This program re-imagines your WP-CVP for the online world and the new expectations – to think, you must now look to extend your sales cycle if you want to guarantee success.

Phases:  1 – 7

  • External WP-CVP Rating against standard model
  • Sales Model description and diagrammatic – current and desired
  • Outputs of each metric: Inclusion, Current, Potential, Importance, Pain
  • Prioritised List of Focus Metrics
  • Action Plan to maximise WP-CVP
  • Storyboard for End – to – End WP-CVP
  • Communications Plan

Determined by Target Sales Model and Organisational Scale.  From £10,000.