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Systematic Value Propositions - sales growth you control

We measure everything in sales, except the quality of our customer story/solution.  Systematic Value Propositions follows a simple, formal methodology to breakdown every element of your sales solutions.  Measure and quantify your current and potential states, identify your perceived and actual sales model and defines and details the actions needed to build the optimum current and customer facing offering. 

Timeframes - making an impact, quickly and under your control

Many factors influence sales.  Whilst the sales team may be held responsible, most of the factors influencing revenue are not under your control.   You can though, control the complete package you sell, but you have to be systematic and metric based to measure what you have now and what you can build.  This is down to you.

A systematic methodology applied to your sales model

You have a sales model, even if you don’t recognise it formally.  The objective is to maximise your potential for minimal effort.  To achieve this goal we break your process and its components to an atomic level, describe them, identify the maximal potential, and rebuild them for optimum potential.  Its simple, time efficient and simple to explain.

STARPAD Methodology

Without a methodology to follow, your sales values cannot be systematically built, measured and regularly reviewed.  STARPAD gives you a framework to measure your propositions, assess current and potential solutions, assess and rank critical elements and prioritise actions to aggregate and build an optimum offering.

1. Your Core Product

  • What?
  • Uniques?
  • Importance?
  • What is it?  What does it do?
  • What makes your Product standalone?
  • Who is the Product Important to and why?
  • Simplicity
  • Paradigm Shift
  • Emotive
  • Compelling
  • Sizeable
  • How do you describe it?
  • What change/business impact does it drive?
  • Who is emotionally committed to the solution?
  • How strong is he financial justification
  • How big is a sale?  How does it scale up and out

2. Sales Channels - Where and How?

The Technical and Commercial Complexity of your product determines its effective sales channels.  Too frequently, the customer and marketing expectations differ and sales needs to address the gaps.

3. Sales Models - The Complete Offer

Supporting your core product are four Sales Models that integrate your Core Product with the Customer needs;  they are integral to the Sales Channel model:

        • Financial
        • Functional
        • Delivery
        • Organisation

4. Managing Pain and Limits

The very best solutions fail if the customer sees too much pain in the changes that are needed in the business.  understanding and mitigating this pain is an essential element of the plan.

5. Prioritised Action Plan

The most obvious part of the STARPAD methodology.  An action plan flows from stages 1-4 and can be managed to delivery.  As ever, its all under your control.